Review and Giveaway: November 9 by Colleen Hoover

01 nov91 Can you imagine seeing a person only one day a year, with no way of getting in touch with them? What happens the other 364 days? What do you do? How do you live a life without that person, with whom you have this amazing connection with?

“You can’t leave yet. I’m not finished falling in love with you.”

Sometimes you read books that you like so much and you have a hard time putting those feelings into words. This is one of those books. November 9 packed an emotional punch that rivals even Point of Retreat for my top CoHo spot. From the very first chapter I was sucked in, and every chapter that followed, I felt my heart being stretched to the point of splintering. It has everything I like in a book, romance, heartache, and quite a few “Holy Crap!” moments.

Fallon meets Ben, an aspiring novelist, the day of her scheduled cross-country move. Their untimely attraction leads them to spend Fallon’s last day in L.A. together, and her eventful life becomes the creative inspiration Ben has always sought for his novel. Over time and amidst the various relationships and tribulations of their own separate lives, they continue to meet on the same date every year. Until one day Fallon becomes unsure if Ben has been telling her the truth or fabricating a perfect reality for the sake of the ultimate plot twist.

I fell in love with Ben almost instantly. I admit it. He made me laugh and swoon, and of course, cry. I loved everything about him. Was he perfect? No. Was he perfect for Fallon? Oh yes. I swear, some of the things he would say, made me crack up. Fallon could hold her own with him completely, but he had a way of being the perfect book boyfriend without even trying. The banter between these two, was perfect. They were both so quick witted and I found myself giggling quite often. It reminded me of seeing interactions online between Colleen and her sisters. People who have true emotional connections are the ones who could pull these off perfectly.

I have a feeling the audible is going to be amazing, and I’ll be startling quite a few people with my outbursts.

“Who knows what could happen between now and then. Hell, I didn’t even have hair on my nuts five years ago.”

See?! Hilarious!!! There are many more where this came from.

Now on the flip side, there were so many scenes that made me step back and collect myself. They were beautiful and poignant and life changing, for all involved. Every year they part ways I am sitting on the edge of my seat hoping for them to decide to just chuck it all and stay together, but I understand why they didn’t.

So many things happen in this book, that I would love to tell you, but that would spoil the story. There’s a few twists and turns that will knock your socks off. I may have gasped a time or two, while reading. Heck, I may have even squealed also. But what I can say is that the constant “booksting” scenes were some of the best scenes. It was like sitting with a group of friends. Ben and Fallon were just like we are, in our book clubs. They were saying all things we say.

If you want a book that will have you shedding happy and sad tears, then this is the book is for you. If you want a book that will twist your heart, then this is the book is for you. If you want a book that will leave you emotionally satisfied and physically drained, then this is the book for you.

Buy it. Read it. Love it.


Be sure to go HERE and enter the giveaway!!

Buy November 9: A Novel


Don’t miss Colleen on tour for NOVEMBER 9:


Monday, November 9th


10:00 PM

5803 E Northwest Hwy

Dallas, TX 75231

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Tuesday, November 10th


7:00 PM

2692 Madison Road

Cincinnati, OH 45208

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Wednesday, November 11th


7:00 PM

26 S. La Grange Rd.

La Grange, IL 60525

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Thursday, November 12th


7:00 PM

211 E. Ridgewood Avenue

Ridgewood, NJ 07450

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Friday, November 13th


7:00 PM

230 Main Street

White Plains, NY 10601

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Saturday, November 14th


5:00 PM

265 Aragon Avenue

Coral Gables, FL 33134

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Sunday, November 15th

5:00 PM
279 Harvard St
Brookline, MA 02446

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Tuesday, November 17th


7:00 PM

126 N. Larchmont Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA 90004

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Tuesday, December 8th

7:00 PM
603 N. Lamar Blvd
Austin, TX 78703

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Review: Darken the Stars by Amy Bartol

01 dark……I can’t… heart…..oh man….what do I do now?? This book has left me devastated. Amy Bartol tugs at your heartstrings with this epic and very emotional conclusion. I was in a constant state of nervousness the entire book. I had no idea this ending would leave me feeling like this. I can’t even put it in words.

This book takes place immediately after Sea of Stars and now Kyon has Kricket. He’s never going to let her go. He’s wanted her for so long and he’s not taking any chances. He’ll do anything to protect her. I was happy with this storyline, because I love Kyon. But at the same time, I’m so mad because I hate him also. He’s evil and bad, but Kricket was growing to love him, the more time she’s with him. That was a hard pill to swallow. I didn’t want to see her get closer to him.

The more I think about the story, the more my heart hurt for Kricket. She just wants to go home to Earth and get her life back. She doesn’t want to be the answer to everyone’s problems. She wants to stop feeling things for these men in her life and she wants them to stop feeling for her too. It would make her leaving that much easier on everyone. But most of all, she wants to be free. Watching her struggle, with these burdens, hurt me.

And let’s not bring up the scenes with Trey. Oh my word. Every time Trey’s emotions got the better of him, I cried. I mean, tears falling down my cheeks. He loves her so much and is doing everything in his power to get her free from Kyon and all those who would use her for their own good.

Without giving away spoilers, I will say that the ending is not what I expected, but it was needed. There’s so much more that could’ve happened. There’s so much more that I wanted to happen. I hope she surprises us with another one. I think we need it. I understand the way she ended it. I get it. I won’t say that I was cheering at the end, but I get it. I really do…


Under Different Stars (The Kricket Series Book 1)
Sea of Stars (The Kricket Series Book 2)
Darken the Stars (The Kricket Series Book 3)

Review: Restless Waters(Left Drowning #2) by Jessica Park

01 rest My heart has been squeezed and shredded, and glued and mended. Restless Waters is filled with enough emotion to sweep you out to sea, unless you’re holding tight to someone.

“Breathe. Just breathe.”

“There’s no air, Blythe.”

“Reach for me. I won’t let you drown. I’m right here.”

He rubs my back some more and then laughs lightly. “You’re already taken.”

“I have two hands, Sabin. Grab one.”

I have loved Sabin from the very first moment we met him, in Left Drowning. I knew there was more going on inside his head than he let on. I KNEW that his story, however it was told, was going to make me feel. I was so right.

A storm is coming, and with storms come restless waters.

Pulled from the depths of catastrophe and depression, Blythe McGuire has learned to escape from her past while embracing the future. A future now entwined with the Shepherd siblings.

With Chris, she shares a staggering romance that kicks heartbreak’s ass.

With Sabin, she shares an intense friendship, one that’s becoming more complicated than either had expected. A friendship now being put to the test because Sabin’s brutal past still haunts him. Because trauma is the gift that keeps on giving without mercy.

Now Sabin is the one left drowning and struggling to breathe, and his turmoil threatens to send all three into dark currents they cannot escape. Even after going through her own hell, saving Sabin will take much more than Blythe had anticipated. Their connection and their love could help, but getting him to reach for her hand could be Blythe’s biggest challenge ever.

Blythe has found a way to breathe, with the love of Chris and Sabin. Sabin is her best friend. In fact, everyone would count themselves lucky to have a friend like Sabin. He is charismatic and loving, and loyal to a fault. He wants his loved ones to feel no pain. But as they grow closer, she notices that Sabin is falling apart. He wants to be free, but at the same time, he can’t stand being alone. If Blythe isn’t strong enough to save him, she’s going to drown right along with him.

My heart was breaking this entire time. True to the Left Drowning feel, I had to step away from everyone, as I couldn’t contain the sobs that overcame me, at one scene. I was completely caught off guard and my heart squeezed so tight.

I wanted Sabin to be happy. But no matter how loud and crazy he was, there was undercurrent within him, that you felt through the pages. Restless waters is the perfect description of him. He was all over the place. Never settled. He was hurting and helpless. After growing up the crazy household they did, there are bound to be scars that remain below the surface. Healing doesn’t happen overnight. It takes a lot of fierce love and compassion to prevent someone from drowning in sadness and pain.

So hold on. Grab a box of tissues and get cozy. You won’t want to get up until you’ve finished.


Buy Restless Waters: A Left Drowning Novel (Left Drowning Series Book 2)

Read Left Drowning (Left Drowning Series Book 1) first, to fully understand where Sabin is coming from. This book is in my top 10 of all times. I have much love for this series.

Review and Giveaway: In the Dark by Monica Murphy

01 in I remember meeting Gabriel in Fair Game and I was excited to read what his story would be about.

Stuck spending the summer with his screwed up family, Gabriel Walker is bored out of his mind and looking for an adventure. And he seems to find it with the hot girl who lives next door. The attraction between them is instant. Electric. Soon they’re spending every stolen minute together. Talk about the perfect summer fling…

Lucy isn’t what she seems. She doesn’t live next door—she’s the girl who’s been hired to house sit for the summer while the family goes on a worldwide vacation. If Gabe wants to believe she’s a spoiled rich girl looking for some fun, she can go along with that. After the summer, she’ll never see him again.

They don’t count on running into each other at college. Now Lucy must keep up the pretense of being a rich girl—and it’s exhausting. She knows she’s falling in love with Gabe and she’s scared he feels the same. Will he still care about her when he discovers the truth?

The majority of this story takes place on the beach, even though the synopsis doesn’t make it sound like it. That was the best part of their story. I enjoyed seeing Gabe, this super in control, always gets the girl, ladies man, seem unsure of what to do. He sees this gorgeous girl and is intrigued by her, without even knowing a thing about her. And when he finally takes the shot, his world is flipped upside down.

Lucy decides to house sit for one of her mom’s clients, all summer long, in order to help pay for college. She thought she’s be spending it all alone cooped up in the house. She had no intentions of getting out. But then her “neighbor” decides to come over one day, and BAM, her life is flipped also.

This was a sweet story filled with lots of flirting and banter. Lucy is nothing like the girls the Gabe usually goes for, but he likes what he sees and he’s gonna let her know every chance he gets. Lucy is your typical insecure girl who isn’t used to guys liking her for her, so it made my heart happy to have him tell her not to change. But when she sees him in college, the thought of him finding out that she’s not up in his league, was very scary. She thought he was going to be just a summer fling, but that silly heart of hers wouldn’t let her get away with that.


Buy In The Dark (The Rules Book 2)

Click HERE to enter the giveaway.


**Credit: WordSmith Publicity**

Review: Capture by Rachel VanDyken

Designed grunge paper texture, background

Designed grunge paper texture, background

Oh, my happy little heart. This book was quite a sweet read.

Dani blames herself for her parent’s death. After a trauma like that she lost the ability to speak. She functions with texting. She’s lost many friends over this, and people think she’s snotty or just acting. She wishes she could just open her mouth and say the words, but she can’t. It’s not a life she wants, but no matter what she does, she can’t break through this barrier.

Lincoln Green goes through assistants a bit more often than he wishes, so when he hires a non speaking Dani, he hopes this might work in his favor.

Dani is very nervous working the hot actor, but there’s something about him. He’s super funny and very patient with her. Soon she finds herself falling for the guy who is so out of her league, but, at the same time, seems to be just what she needs.

I positively loved this sweet story. My heart broke for Dani and the way she struggled. We each function differently and handle trauma the same way. I am so glad this was shown in a positive light. I wanted to reach in and give her a hug and tell her it’s ok.

I was so happy to see all the Seaside gang there. It was fun. And also there was a nice surprise tucked in there, and that REALLY made me happy. Well done, Rachel!!


Buy Capture (Seaside Pictures Book 1)

Review: When You’re Back, by Abbi Glines

01 whenTHIS!!! This is what I was waiting for. I am very happy with the way this book transpired. I knew Mase was going to have a good story.

“Before Reese, I didn’t know the world could be full of dreams. That you could wake up every day excited to breathe. That one little smile from her could make me feel like a fucking king. Loving her is worth…it’s worth it all. Living in fear of love isn’t living.”

I like Reese in this book. She was strong and trying to move past her setbacks, by taking control doing something with her life that she never thought she could do. I love that she had Mase to encourage and support her through this. That boy would do anything for her.

That cowboy loves fiercely. He will do anything within his power to protect those he loves as well, even if that means dealing with his dad, so his sister doesn’t have any added stress. He loves his sister so much, that he still tries to protect her.

I was glad to see the past characters throughout this book. I like to keep up on them and see how they’re doing.

The theme of this book, however, was crazy family. No joke. Well, maybe crazy isn’t the right word. Maybe wild?? Either way, family members had a way of causing all sorts of trouble in this book. Mase’s “cousin”, Aida, thinks she loves him and tries to do anything to get him to notice her. Then have Captain(River), Blair’s brother, who decides to set his eyes on Reese. But with Captain, it was friendship bordering on a little something more. But I did like his character. I didn’t always like his actions, but I understood them. I am DYING for his story. I know there’s a perfect girl for him.

There are quite a few heart stopping and dropping moments and a twist or two in here, that I never saw coming. And seeing how this ended, I am seriously dying for the next book. THAT ENDING!!!!! I can’t wait!!!


Buy When You’re Back: A Rosemary Beach Novel (The Rosemary Beach Series Book 12)

Review: Chasing River by K.A.Tucker

01 chas Let me start off by saying that normally I’m not one for suspense books. They makes my nerves shot and my stomach all twisty. But this Burying Water series by K.A.Tucker is one of the exceptions. This series has characters that draw you in. While some may not be the “perfect” characters(I mean, let’s face it, no one’s perfect) but you’ll find yourself rooting for them and hoping they find the right path. River is one of those characters.

Armed with two years’ worth of savings and the need to experience life outside the bubble of her Oregon small town, twenty-five-year old Amber Welles is prepared for anything. Except dying in Dublin. Had it not been for the bravery of a stranger, she might have. But he takes off before she has the chance to offer her gratitude.

Twenty-four-year-old River Delaney is rattled. No one was supposed to get hurt. But then that American tourist showed up. He couldn’t let her die, but he also couldn’t risk being identified at the scene—so, he ran. Back to his everyday life of running his family’s pub. Only, everyday life is getting more and more complicated, thanks to his brother, Aengus, and his criminal associations. When the American girl tracks River down, he quickly realizes how much he likes her, how wrong she is for him. And how dangerous it is to have her around. Chasing her off would be the smart move.

Maybe it’s because he saved her life, or maybe it’s because he’s completely different from everything she’s left behind, but Amber finds herself chasing after River Delaney. Amber isn’t the kind of girl to chase after anyone.

And River isn’t the kind of guy she’d want to catch.

I liked River. I mean, let’s face it, he’s Irish. What’s not to like? He risks his life for someone, when most people would’ve just ran away. He works hard to keep his family’s pub running smooth, while trying to keep his trouble maker brother out of harm’s way. So when this American girl shows up and shows interest in him, he really should try and push her away. He’s not good enough for her.

Amber Welles has wanted this trip for years. She even made a crazy vacation bucket list, with her brother’s girlfriend, Alex.

#1 Have a torrid affair with a foreigner.

Sounds easy enough. Everyone does that. Well, when you’ve just been saved by a ridiculous hot Irishman, an affair sounds like a good idea. YOLO, and all that. What she doesn’t know is that her savior, isn’t all she thinks he is. He has secrets that could change this course she’s on, if she’s not careful.

Their love affair was not without lots and lots of bumps in the road. His past isn’t all sunshine and roses, and getting mixed up with the Sheriff’s daughter, who always does the right thing, may not be in his best interest. But maybe, just maybe, being chased is the best thing for him.

I actually found myself really liking all the side characters, in this one. The Delaney family, with the exception of the oldest brother, was fun to read. I could hear Rowen’s teasing tone, right through the pages. But my favorite was Ivy. She may seem tough on the outside, but that girl has a sweet side that I’m sure will come out in the next book. I just know her book is going to be great!!


Buy Chasing River: A Novel (The Burying Water Series)

Review: The Song of David by Amy Harmon

01 song “The most intimate thing we can do is to allow the people we love most to see us at our worst.”

My heart is full and happy. The Song of David was so beautifully written, I can’t seem to wrap my head around any coherent words that will make this review even a hint of what it should be. I can’t see through my tears, even if I could think well enough to do that. Amy Harmon’s stories are perfect. The characters are real. The problems are real. The hurt is real. She is the master creator of stories that will change you and heal you.

I won my first fight when I was eleven years old, and I’ve been throwing punches ever since. Fighting is the purest, truest, most elemental thing there is. Some people describe heaven as a sea of unending white. Where choirs sing and loved ones await. But for me, heaven was something else. It sounded like the bell at the beginning of a round, it tasted like adrenaline, it burned like sweat in my eyes and fire in my belly. It looked like the blur of screaming crowds and an opponent who wanted my blood.

For me, heaven was the octagon.

Until I met Millie, and heaven became something different. I became something different. I knew I loved her when I watched her stand perfectly still in the middle of a crowded room, people swarming, buzzing, slipping around her, her straight dancer’s posture unyielding, her chin high, her hands loose at her sides. No one seemed to see her at all, except for the few who squeezed past her, tossing exasperated looks at her unsmiling face. When they realized she wasn’t normal, they hurried away. Why was it that no one saw her, yet she was the first thing I saw?

If heaven was the octagon, then she was my angel at the center of it all, the girl with the power to take me down and lift me up again. The girl I wanted to fight for, the girl I wanted to claim. The girl who taught me that sometimes the biggest heroes go unsung and the most important battles are the ones we don’t think we can win.

No one fights alone.

David “Tag” Taggert has been a fighter for most his life. He will fight for those he loves and cares about, until he can no longer swing. We met Tag in The Law of Moses and I’m so glad we get to see more of him. He hasn’t had the easiest of times, since the death of his sister, but he puts on an act and carries on. On the outside he seems like the most confident and happy go lucky kind of guy, but there’s a secret that he’s keeping from those who love him most.

I adored Millie!!! She was the best girl for Tag. She’s a fighter and a mighty protector. She lays it out there and tells him what he needs to hear, not what he wants to hear. No matter how much he wants to protect her from the ugly side of life, she forces him let her in and be there for him.

“When you’re with me, I feel like I glimpse a David nobody else knows is there. It’s a Song of David, and nobody else can hear it but me.”

This book struck a chord with me. So many parts of this story I could relate to, and it made me connect and feel it, even more than I normally would. There is a connection between David and Goliath that everyone faces at some point in their lives. They must fight their giants, and keep fighting til they’re taken down and destroyed. Never stop fighting. No matter what.

“You hold onto me. You trust me. You lean on me. You rely on me. You let me shelter you. You let me love you. All of you.”


While you can read this as a standalone, to avoid spoilers and get the full experience, read The Law of Moses
first. You can thank me later.

Buy The Song of David

Review: Nowhere But Here by Katie McGarry

01 nowhere “The only way to break free is to understand the past so you don’t continue to follow in their footsteps.”

Oh my gosh!! Katie McGarry has done it again! I love MC series and Katie’s books. So when you combine them, this is a match in my book nerd heaven.

Seventeen-year-old Emily likes her life the way it is: doting parents, good friends, good school in a safe neighborhood. Sure, she’s curious about her biological father—the one who chose life in a motorcycle club, the Reign of Terror, over being a parent—but that doesn’t mean she wants to be a part of his world. But when a reluctant visit turns to an extended summer vacation among relatives she never knew she had, one thing becomes clear: nothing is what it seems. Not the club, not her secret-keeping father and not Oz, a guy with suck-me-in blue eyes who can help her understand them both.

Oz wants one thing: to join the Reign of Terror. They’re the good guys. They protect people. They’re…family. And while Emily—the gorgeous and sheltered daughter of the club’s most respected member—is in town, he’s gonna prove it to her. So when her father asks him to keep her safe from a rival club with a score to settle, Oz knows it’s his shot at his dream. What he doesn’t count on is that Emily just might turn that dream upside down.

No one wants them to be together. But sometimes the right person is the one you least expect, and the road you fear the most is the one that leads you home.

This is a story about being proud of where you come from. It’s about love and forgiveness and being true to yourself. Emily has been told ties all her life, but she never knew it, until she came back and was thrust into her biological father’s world. Now she is slowly unraveling the lies and falling more in love this life and these people who she’s been told to fear.

Oz made a mistake and has been put a babysitting duty, of the leader’s daughter. He knows she’s bad news and wants her to go home as soon as possible. But the longer he stays near her, she brings out feelings that he has no right to feel. But no matter how hard he tries, he can’t deny that this MC princess is going to be his downfall, if he doesn’t get a hold of himself.

In true Katie McGarry form, this book is perfect for mid teens. There is no over the top sexiness. There was a fair amount of tension, but nothing explicit. Oz and Emily try and fight their attraction, but sometimes the heart doesn’t work with what we want.

“I thought your job was to prevent me from learning the truth…”

“No. My job is to love you.”

This book was full of excitement and had an emotional story line that will tug at your heartstrings a bit. I found myself even tearing up a bit at the end. You fall in love with these characters and don’t want any harm to befall them. But sometimes life isn’t perfect. So if you find people who love you, except their love and hold on tight.


BuyNowhere but Here (Thunder Road)

Review: GUS by Kim Holden

01aaaa How do you go back to doing what you did before, when half of you is gone forever?

This book….This book is about so many things. This is about healing, moving on, forgiveness, love, just to name a few. This book will make you cry, and at the same time those tears will bring you healing. Your heart will be overflowing with so many emotions, the release will make you complete.

When I read Bright Side, I fell in love with Gus. I know the book wasn’t all about Gus, but I knew, I knew Gus was going to need someone very special after that. There is no way you can recover from that alone. But my heart was in no way prepared for what Gus would go through. His world was shattered. His heart was shattered. He was merely alive, but in no way living. It was going to take more than just him mom and band mates to bring him back.

On the outside, Gus is this hot rocker that likes to party all the time. He gets mixed up in all kinds of vices that are slowly tearing him apart, but he doesn’t care. His life is no longer bright, so he has lost the will to do anything anymore. Watching him self destruct was one the most painful things I’ve ever experienced. He was wrecked. There is nothing left, but a shell of a man in search of anything to fill him up.

Cue, Scout. Scout is hired on to be his keeper. Little does she know that in watching him, she is healing him. And in doing that, he is healing her as well. I loved Scout. I loved the fact that she wasn’t perfect. I loved the way that Gus brings her out of her shell. Her life was so far from ideal, that she wished for something better. I enjoyed watching her grow to realize that no matter how mismatched a family is, as long as their is love, that’s all that matters.

It cracked me up watching Gus try and figure her out. She had secrets that prevented her from living life to the fullest. But after a few rough patches, he found that making her smile was his new goal. That’s when the book became a little more funny. But don’t let that fool you. While this book had a nice dose of silliness and teasing, it had a hefty dose of reality. And sometimes reality sucks. It suck hard. But like I said before, this book will bring you healing. Just hold on tight, and perhaps grab a box of tissues before you start.

I was so thankful for a glimpse into the Bright Side characters. I needed to know that they were ok. I have to believe that even through something so devastating, with the right amount of time and love, healing can happen.

“Some people wear their scars on the outside. Others wear them on the inside.”


Buy Gus

To fully understand where Gus is coming from, you must read Bright Side
You can thank me later.