More Book Signing Fun: Instagram Edition

This past weekend, I was lucky enough to go to Kentucky and meet Karen Marie Moning, JR Ward and Phil Gigante. Honestly, lucky isn’t even the right word for it. Blessed seems more like it. Karen was here promoting her newest book, BURNED, and JR was her to support her. And Phil was here to entertain us.

The way this signing worked was that you had to go to the Barnes and Noble, when they opened, and show your proof of purchase for Burned and then you get a numbered wristband. The lower the number, the better seat you would get. Well, that means getting up early and getting in line. So for myself, that means getting up at 4 am and leaving at 5 to get there.

Around 7:30/8ish, a couple of girls from Team KMM came and surprised us. It was a blessing. Thank, girls!!

After that little pick me up, waiting for the store to open was a bit more bearable.

So, from 9 am til noonish, we were free to hang out or go back and get ready. I was dropped off, so I stayed and chatted and made new friends.

By the time all these seats were put up, it was almost time to be seated.

Once we were seated, you could feel the excitement everywhere. I mean I was practically trembling….

And then Phil came out. And this happened.

If that’s how the day was going to go, then I was destined to have another banner day. For those who don’t know who Phil Gigante is, he’s the voice behind Barrons, Ryodan, Lor and basically all the men in the Fever series.

And then JR Ward came out to chat and introduce Karen. I was lucky enough to get a question answered. Made my day.

And then the Queen came out. Gorgeous, right??

So after we chatted with Karen for a bit, the signing started. And then this happened. #Faints

I mean, seriously!!!! I got a selfie with JR Ward!!! #bucketlist She was gracious enough to sign a couple of books for me.

Then I met Karen. I was so nervous, but she was wonderful and so very sweet. She had the friendliest smile the whole time. She complimented my embellished Barrons shirt, pendant and my phone case, which showcases many of my favorite books, which includes Shadowfever.

Then I was able to get a better shot with Phil. And he was able to sign my books as well.

Then I was able to snag a clearer shot of JR again. She just looks so classy. I feel like a silly little girl, next to her.

Thank you, Karen, for signing my books and shirt and for being one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met.

This day is now ranked among my top moments in my life. Never would I have imagined jumping into this book world and then finding authors with such passion and heart that makes me want to drive HOURS, or even get on planes, to go and meet. These are memories I will take with me forever.

Thank you, Karen Marie Moning, JR Ward, Phil Gigante and Barnes and Noble for making this day amazing.


Be sure to get Burned: Fever Series Book 7
But make sure you get caught up with the series first. This is one of my all time favorite series EVER. If you really wanna feel these books, grab the audible versions. *fans face*

Darkfever: Fever Series Book 1
Bloodfever: Fever Series Book 2
Faefever: Fever Series Book 3
Dreamfever: Fever Series Book 4
Shadowfever: Fever Series Book 5
Iced: Fever Series Book 6

Fall In Love tour: A Day in the life of a fangirl

fall in love tour 062To say I had fun this past weekend, is a complete understatement. I am still fangirling all over the place. My family is ready to kick me out. I just can’t stop talking about Saturday.

For those who don’t know, Colleen Hoover, Jamie McGuire and Abbi Glines went on a 10 city tour and I got to see them in Dayton. Meeting them doesn’t sound quite right, since I’m in all their fan clubs and get to talk to them, every so often. Seeing them, sounds better. It was like going to see old friends. Except, when I see old friends, I’m not nervous. I’m also not applying deodorant in the bathroom, before they come out either.

The weekend didn’t start very smooth since I never even packed til about a half hour before we were supposed to leave. And when we got to the hotel, I realized that I didn’t pack a toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, straightener or blow dryer. This was not a good sign. But a trip to Target would rectify the situation. *sigh*

Anyways, at least I had all my books and things. So that’s all that really matters.

I’m gonna give you the photographic highlights, since so much happened. I can’t possibly say it all.
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I arrived at 8:40 am, event though the signing wasn’t until 2. I really wanted to get a good seat. So I had plenty of time to chat with those around me. It’s kinda wild to meet people in line, that you’ve seen of FB, but have never met yet.

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It was so nice reconnecting with people you met last year, when all three were here last. Who knew book signings would make friends out of strangers??

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Thanks to my obnoxious, I mean enthusiasm, over these authors, I had people coming up to me and saying my name like we’re old friends. It was CRAZY!! But I loved meeting everyone. It made me realize how small this world really is. And it was soooo nice to see everyone leave their drama at home and just enjoy being surrounded by people who love the authors as much as you do.

By 1pm, when the numbers were about to be handed out, the place looked like this.
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And when the bus pulled up, let me tell you, the room hit a whole other level of craziness. Squealing and camera clicking were all the sounds you could hear.

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Can I say how it makes a person feel when someone, who you admire, looks you in the eye and smiles or waves? Well it feels pretty darn good. You could different people squealing over that fact. It made me smile. They truly love their fans.

By the time we were sitting upstairs, I was seriously ready to freak out. I was so excited, but very nervous. They had a camera crew there and I was in the front row. Normally I’m a super chatterbox, shocking, I know, but with a camera there, I was silent… until they called me out.

That’s right, they called little ol’ non important me, out. I about died. Lately there have been quite a few Q&As with these authors and I tend to go all in and ask a million questions. But since I’m at home, at my computer, the questions tend to come fast. But when I was called out, I froze. Again, I died. It was wild. But I gotta say, to have your favorite authors know you by name and joke with you, like old friends, I almost started crying. I was so touched. I don’t think they realize the impact they have on us. They even started a singalong for some girl’s birthday. I bet she died in her seat. 🙂 I mean seriously, we all fangirl, and snapshot any and all “comments and likes” we get from them. I know I’m not the only one who does that. But when they call us by name, we light up. I saw it happen many times. It was magical.

So after that, the signing started. And every person was able to get a picture with them, if we wanted. That was the best part. The signed books are great, but having them pose for a picture was perfect. I can’t wait to put mine in a frame with the photo matte I asked them to sign.

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This is all of the things I asked them to sign. Some will be gifts and giveaways. That’s another thing I like, they’ll sign anything. Too bad I forgot to ask them to sign my shirt. I’m so forgetful, when I get up there.
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I waited around til the end, with some of the girls I met in various fan clubs. And were lucky enough to get group and individual pictures with each of them. They are so great to their fans. I am so lucky to have met them. Not many people get to meet their favorite authors. I am truly blessed.

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I also may have gone a little crazy over the bus. I can’t help it. Sometimes I act like a child. I’m not ashamed.
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And a few of us may have been invited to tour the bus, with Colleen. *faints*

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Thank you, Atria Books for sharing our favorite authors with us. Thank you Colleen, Jamie and Abbi, for being the kindest authors out there. As I sat there and watched you guys greet each person, you did it with a smile. Even though you were on your millionth city, you treated us great and always smiled when you heard 3,2,1. 😉 Please come back and visit us. I promise to have a list of questions ready and waiting.

~Melpomene(AKA Crazy Jenn)

This happened.

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This past weekend, was probably the highlight of my book life, so far. If it gets any better, I’m not sure how I’ll be able to handle it.

Saturday night was a book signing for my favorite author, Colleen Hoover, and combined with a concert with Griffin Peterson. For those who don’t know Griffin wrote the music for Colleen’s recent book, Maybe Someday.

To say I was excited was the understatement of the year. I mean seriously, I was driving my family crazy with how excited I was. I was so nervous that I was going to pass out at some point. I felt bad for my poor hubby. I apologized to him, in advance. Who know what was going to happen with me.

Hubby and I arrived Friday and spent the day sightseeing. Which I’m kinda glad we did, since I met up with some friends on Saturday and never saw him til almost midnight.

So let me tell you how this crazy day started out. I must warn you, it’s not my finest moment. But at least I didn’t scream, ok?

Hubs and I went downstairs, to get directions to a store we wanted, and I happen to turn my head and I see HER!!! Now any normal person would be cool. But I, however, am not normal. So what do I do?? I hit my hubby and whisper, “Dear!! Dear, it’s her!! It’s Colleen Hoover!!” Poor guy, just rolls his eyes and is like, “Ok?? She’s a person like you and me. Go say hello.” Duh!! That makes sense!!

So I tap on her shoulder and she turns, smile and says, “Hi, Jenn!” and HUGS ME!!!! She knew who I was!!! AND I didn’t scream or faint. I think I deserve a gold star for that. I knew she was busy, so I didn’t ask for a pic or anything. I didn’t wanna be one of those kind of people. I figured I’d see her in the evening.

A few hours later, after seeing her a few more times, I was chatting with some friends that I finally got to meet, and guess who walks out of the elevator?? You guessed it. And guess who finally got up the nerve to ask for a picture??

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So my day is complete now. I can go home a happy girl. But it doesn’t end there. Oh no. I’m a part of many book groups, secret and not so secret. So when this signing/concert was scheduled, I was thrilled to be able to meet a few, that I’ve only chatted on FB with. It felt like going home. It was wild!! Going to dinner and joking around with them, felt like I’ve know them all my life, instead of only a few months. I’m the one in the front left.

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THEN the concert. WOW!! Griffin and his band were awesome!! We were in the front row and I couldn’t sit still. I was too excited. I mean look at this face!!

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Griffin had his dad there also. It was so cool to see him up on stage with his dad. They did a great job. This video isn’t the best, but what do you expect from me?? 🙂

Since I already have all of her books signed, I grabbed a few for friends and a couple shirts for me. And everything is signed by Colleen and the guys in the band, including Griffin’s dad!


Here are few more of the things that happened.


Yeah, I did this too. I claim temporary insanity.



There were over 300 people there. It was wild to see so many fans of both of them. They all signed books and things and took the time to snap pictures with everyone. I was so much fun waiting in line, chatting with the other fans. What was even more amazing, was that even though we were last, and the signing lasted three hours, all of them were still smiling and very friendly. It was great to see that. We’re their fans and they wanted to make us happy. And believe me, we left very happy. 🙂


Buy the book, Maybe Someday

Buy the album, Maybe Someday