Review: Off the Edge by Carolyn Crane

18169700 I hadn’t read the first Associate’s book when I read this one but the synopsis appealed to me so I went for it anyways. I loved this book from the beginning. Peter’s position as a Linguist breaking down everything from phrases to song lyrics to its’ smallest parts made pieces of the books almost poetic. Laney and Peter have such heat between them almost immediately and between the poetry and the heat I was drawn into the book and captivated.

Peter Macmillan is a Linguist working for The Associate’s trying to bring down a criminal and will use anyone or anything who gets in his way. Laney does just that. Laney gets under his skin incredibly easily and he find himself drawn to her and unable to maintain his normal cool facade. Laney is in hiding herself from her ex and doesn’t allow herself to get involved with anyone but can’t seem to help it when it comes to Peter.

I really loved the humor between these two. It was a nice balance between the seriousness of the situation they were in and even in the middle of the danger the humor was still there.

“You bleeding?”
“No. I’ve shifted to the coagulation and infection stage. I’m running them concurrently.”

I was laughing at some parts and holding my breath at others. The author did a great job at keeping me at the edge of my seat for this romantic suspense read. The writing is very colorful and vibrant as in it seems to jump off the page. The talents of the heroes are cerebral as well as physical which I absolutely love as a change of pace in a romance book. I highly recommend this book as a different type of romance novel.

This was a surprising read for me. In a very good way!

I received this ARC in return for an honest review.

5 stars

~ Clio

Buy it Now Off the Edge (The Associates)

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